
CPS provides independent advocacy, to support people with a disability and their carers to exercise choice and control, in having their voices heard in matter that affect them.


Information Sessions

CPS provide a variety of facilitated sessions on a variety of subjects.


NDIS Pre Planning

CPS provides support to ensure you are supported to understand NDIS with documentation needed and knowing what to ask for in planning meetings.


NDIS Support Coordination

Our support coordinators will support NDIS participants to understand, implement and provide links to the community, mainstream and other services, to achieve their goals.

We are here to guide you throughout your NDIS journey, To work creatively with participants / nominees on utilising NDIS support budgets, To provide support for people with a disability to have choice and control to connect with services that are the best fit for your needs and goals.

We support with Identification of problems with NDIS plans and support with solutions, Supporting participants to prepare for plan reviews, Arrange for required assessments inline with various types of funding requirements, Support to access mainstream, informal, and community providers programs and services, Support participants / nominees to build capacity of their supported networks

Need help finding out if you are NDIS eligible? Let us know.


NDIS Plan Management

Plan Management is an option for NDIS participants to manage NDIS funds.

NDIS Plan Management will: ⦁ Allow choice and control to choose service providers that are or are not registered NDIS service providers ⦁ CPS provide support to manage your NDIS funds with a caring and creative approach. ⦁ Support to keep track of your NDIS plan budgets ⦁ To pay your support providers on your behalf


Community Access

Community access can range from daily activities, learning and development, and community participation.

CPS provide support for you to access the community and participate in a variety of activities and be as independent as possible in the community.


Household Tasks

To assist you in household chores of domestic cleaning. CPS provides you with assistance in maintaining your home where you can feel comfortable and safe.


Assistance with daily living

CPS support with everyday tasks for the day to live independently as possible.


Assistance with Travel & Transport

CPS provide transport to and from activities, travel training and supported getaway travel.


Innovative Community Participation

CPS focuses on developing independence skills and social inclusion.


Supported short getaways

CPS provide opportunities that suit a variety of interests and explore exciting destinations whilst being supported.


Get in touch with
Catena Programs & Services

1800 573 123